Saturday, April 16, 2011

new website and blog in the works

In January, I attended a mind blowing artist professional development workshop through a very special non-profit, Creative Capital: This workshop was life changing in so many ways. I got to know some wonderful artists and have some very exciting collaborations planned with several of these artists.

It was also an opportunity to take a look at where I want to go as an artist, and what it takes to get there. One of the realizations I made was how important documentary projects are for me. I've never put the full force of my planning, imagination and dreaming towards that work, and yet, it is the heart of everything else I do.

As a result, I've been planning strategically towards that work. A big part of that effort at the moment is revising my website. I'm working with some amazing people to create a custom, integrated website and blog that will be easier to navigate, and that will allow me to show more fully some of the projects close to my heart.

I can't wait to launch it!